5 steps to share & spread your story

It can seem like a noisy world out there. With all the social media posts and content channels like blogs and podcasts, it can feel like everybody's out there shouting at the top of their lungs and nobody's actually listening. But as I will keep repeating: You have something valuable to say. Now…

7 things to ask yourself before you launch a podcast to grow your business

There are 700k podcasts already out there, with almost 160k being launched in 2018 alone. Yeah, that can make you feel like a little fish in a big pond! But that doesn’t mean podcasting has reached its peak as some have been saying. Sure, it's going more mainstream now, with more and more people at…

Your guide to finding & owning your story

When you think of storytelling, what comes to mind? Standing on a stage? Sitting around a campfire? Those are totes arenas where stories are told, but when it comes to telling our own, we often jump ahead of the process, wanting the tactics and tools to share and spread our story. Don't get me…